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The Fabric of Good Life

Miho Nakamura

Recognizing That You're at Rock Bottom Can Be the Starting Line for Building True Strength.

Triathlete / Triathlon Coach


Miho Nakamura

Daisuke Nakata

At the Foundation of Everything Lies Determination.

Professional Trampoline Player


Daisuke Nakata

Ann Konishi

The Philosophy of Competition.

Former Olympic Table Tennis Player / Table Tennis School Coach


Ann Konishi
The Art and Science of Team Chemistry in Sports: Building Unbreakable Bonds

The Art and Science of Team Chemistry in Sports: Building Unbreakable Bonds

Discover the secrets behind successful team dynamics and learn how to foster unbreakable bonds within your team for unparalleled success.

Flow Theory - State of Optimal Experience

Flow Theory - State of Optimal Experience

“The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits...” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Attribution Theory in Sports

Attribution Theory in Sports

“The way we interpret the causes of our successes and failures significantly influences our future behavior and performance.”

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Sports

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Sports

“The secret of success is constancy of purpose.” – Benjamin Disraeli

Reversal Theory in Sports

Reversal Theory in Sports

“The true measure of an individual is how they perform under pressure.” – Peter Salovey

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

“Behavior is a function of what we believe we can do, what we want to do, and what others expect us to do.” – Icek Ajzen

Self-Efficacy Theory - Motivation in Sports

Self-Efficacy Theory - Motivation in Sports

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Social Comparison Theory (SCT)

Social Comparison Theory (SCT)

“We compare ourselves to others because there is no yardstick for how well we are doing.” – Leon Festinger

Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) in Sports

Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) in Sports

“The way athletes define success and perceive their goals can significantly influence their motivation, performance, and overall experience.

Self Determination Theory (SDT)

Self Determination Theory (SDT)

When athletes are intrinsically motivated, they engage in their sport for the sheer pleasure and satisfaction derived from participation.

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